Portfolio > Older Work

Ego Trip
Ego Trip
Reclaimed wood, metal, pigment, rust, paint
72" x 36" x 10"

This work, from 1995, was assembled from found dresser drawers, spindles, scrap metal and other materials. This emblematic construction depicts numerous awards of unknown accomplishment that are "trapped" behind a screen of spindles at the top and bottom. This piece was a comment on the trivialness of accumulating awards, but one's chalice/receptacle of life, can still be empty. The hierarchical scale of the large empty trophy/chalice creates the subtle focal point of this concept.
I was also influenced by working as a scenic artist, in a local shop in Red Hook, Brooklyn and working as an artist assistant for artist Ron Baron, in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. I was greatly influenced by these 2 experiences, in addition to current contemporary art. Another artist inspiration, Ashley Bickerton, also influenced the particular work I was doing at that time. Brooklyn, NY (1993 - 2000) era.